Arvato App unifies online and offline shopping

Arvato App unifies online and offline shopping

The German mobile commerce market is booming with every third euro of eCommerce Revenue coming from tablets and smartphones. A newly developed White Label App from Arvato SCM
Solutions aims to make the jump into Mobile Commerce simpler and quicker for companies. It’s now possible to roll-out a new Online Shop for mobile devices within a month, without the need to create new content.

The Arvato Commerce App Solution, or ACAS, has been developed for both iOS and Android. Research has shown that the willingness to purchase grows greatly if an App can be used instead of a Browser. This has been shown to increase retention rate up to three times previous levels. “Despite this, many small and mid-sized firms shy away from the financially and time-consuming development effort for their own shopping app”, states Andreas Nöthen, Director Mobile Solutions at Arvato SCM Solutions, “None-the-less, it’s worth it. Improving your users’ experience can offer 120 per cent higher conversion rates. For this reason, we have developed ACAS, a fully-functioning, configurable App, which can be implemented in a single month.”

At the heart of ACAS is the online store. It is compatible with the major eCommerce platform Salesforce Commerce Cloud (formerly Demandware), and further systems are being integrated. As ACAS operates as an App it can offer features that would not be possible on a website without major implementation costs, such as Push Notifications.


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