Door drop engagement remains strong

Door drop engagement remains strong

Once through the letter box, the average door drop is seen by 1.05 people in the home and interacted with about 3 times per item (2.80 on average) – according to the latest research infographic from the DMA.

The latest insights from JICMAIL show that despite the slight reduction in the number of items households are receiving, the reach and frequency for these mail items remain strong. The reach, that’s the number of people in a household who have been exposed to the door drop, is 1.05 – meaning for every 100 items sent 105 people are actually reached. While frequency, the number of times a door drop has been interacted with, is almost three times per item (2.80).

The immediate action for almost two-thirds of people (65 per cent) when they receive a door drop is to read/look/glance at it right away. The average lifespan of a door drop is 5.6 days, although for some sectors this can go beyond the 28 days that JICMAIL tracks items in the home too.

Tim Bond, Head of Insight at the DMA, said “Whether it’s engaging new customers or fostering loyalty in existing ones, door drops offer an effective, tactile and scalable channel. Continued improvements in the use of data, planning and strategy across the data and marketing industry ultimately improve efficiency for the door drops medium. All enabling brands to send data-driven, intelligent door drop campaigns that resonate with their audiences and align with their values.”

Intelligent & engaging door drop campaigns

Miscarriage Association and MRM//McCann London: Cards of Acknowledgement

Simple but beautiful cards designed for women who have suffered miscarriage. Every message was handwritten by a panel of women who’d been through it. As a result, 870,000 people discovered the campaign, also featured on BBC Radio 5 Live, and Monthly traffic increased from 72,000 to 157,000 visits. Organic searches increased from 58,806 to 135,551 at campaign launch; Facebook sessions increased from 901 to 6,390.

Movember and Whistl: Shave the date

Strong imagery and bold typography used to harness shareable content to show why people should sign up to shave and grow, with the option to claim a free Gillette razor. Each page ran a poignant message, written clearly and concisely about why a high proportion of men die young. 3,713 the generated donors with a total response rate of 1.48 per cent (of which 79  per cent were new donors) and a donation value of £252,725.


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