Data Enhancer

Exclusively for DCA Associate members…

Direct Commerce Enhancer is a new value-added service that provides additional bespoke support for all DCA supplier member companies. It is centred on our extensive data resource, which captures key business information on thousands of direct commerce retailers and is rigorously updated daily.

Segmentable ‘every which way’ for example brands operated, ownership, channels deployed, merchandise speciality, existing and past partnerships with suppliers, financials, and key influencers and decision-makers, in management and across all disciplines.

DCA Associate Members can leverage Direct Commerce Enhancer to hone their business growth activity with free credits included as part of their annual membership.

For example:

  • identifying new prospects within your parameters
  • updating and enhancing your own (very possibly) neglected prospect database
  • adding key information like the scale of the market segment you are targeting

There is also an exclusive DCA member rate for more complex and/or ongoing support, ensuring that your business growth/development team can set to work with reliable data to hand.

Want to know more? Call 0208 092 5227 or email us

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