Avon swoops for Sara Davies to inspire reps

Avon swoops for Sara Davies to inspire reps

Avon has appointed Sara Davies to host masterclasses for its network of self-employed reps to help them achieve greater success.

Davies, who has been given the title of chief inspiration officer, has deep experience starting and developing her own business, Crafter’s Companion. She has become a household name from her involvement in The Dragon’s Den.

Having already taken part as a keynote speaker at Avon UK’s annual conference, Davies had also led her first mentoring masterclasses for the business.

Tracey Powers, UK sales director, Avon said: “We need to do more to help women overcome the barriers they often face when setting out to start their own business and embracing a working pattern which works for them. Avon’s business model enables reps to have greater choice, flexibility and freedom to take control of their finances and realise their potential.

“Sara is such an inspiration to female entrepreneurs, and her knowledge of business and entrepreneurship has already proved extremely valuable in supporting our reps in their personal development. We are thrilled to have her join the team and continue this crucial work.”


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