Dunelm online sales soar in Q2

Dunelm online sales soar in Q2

With its overall like-for-like sales up by 5 per cent for the 13 weeks to 29th December, online proved to be the winning channel with growth of 32.1 per cent against a minimal store sales uplift of 1.2 per cent. Dunelm had launched its new digital platform during the quarter and said that customers had responded well to it during the peak Christmas and winter sale period. The retailer had also opened a new store at Cribbs Causeway during the quarter bringing its total count to 171.

Dunelm CEO Nick Wilkinson said: “We are really pleased with our performance in the first half, building on the strong growth and profitability delivered last year. The second quarter was particularly strong in terms of sales and margin growth on both one-year and two-year bases.”


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