E-Plus Gruppe leverages OneView Commerce Store for hybris

OneView CommerceE-Plus Gruppe,
a leading German telecommunications provider with3.2 billion annual
revenues, 400 corporate stores and more than 25 million customers, is using OneView Commerce Store to become one of the first European
retailers successfully merging its digital and physical stores via OneView’s
mobile commerce framework. OneView Commerce was selected as best solution
provider by the digital consultancy group that is accompanying the E-Plus
Gruppe in its digital transformation process, and has developed a pragmatic
cross-channel approach from strategy to pilot to go live in just three

The key drivers for E-Plus
Gruppe’s cross channel initiatives are: increasing store traffic through Buy
Online Ship to Store; Order at the Point of Sale; and Return at the Point of
Sale. These use cases enable direct interaction between store associates and
customers who would otherwise not be drawn into the shop, and enable
significant cross-sell, up-sell, and conversion opportunities by store
associates. The customer’s cross channel experience starts in the online store
and then continues with OneView delivering all store-based cross-channel
functionality to the tablet device. OneView provides store associates a
historical view of the experience once the customer arrives in the store.
OneView Commerce’s Alert Center provides associates with a dashboard of all
current cross-channel activities, including online and in-store orders, and
purchases as well as returns. The next phase will include mobile payments that
enable customers to fully leverage the endless aisle by ordering from the full
assortment via the web shop and paying for that order in store. In addition,
E-Plus is focusing on appointment scheduling where customers can include
products they are interested in reviewing with store associates, Buy Online
Pick up In Store, and Reserve Online Pick up in Store.

E-Plus Gruppe Director of
Digital Transformation Volker Glaeser said, “Many large
retailers with complex, heterogeneous IT infrastructures have failed at
effectively deploying cross-channel retailing. Our success at E-Plus is linked
to OneView’s agile platform that lets us quickly adapt to constantly changing
retail dynamics as well as immediately incorporate what we learn in each
phase—from use case development to testing to pilot—into our deployed solution.
As we take in the key business information and retail results, the OneView
Commerce platform allows adaptation of the solution to meet these changing
dynamics. For E-Plus, our goal is to leverage tools that align us with mobile,
online and in-store customers, so that we are keeping pace with and proactively
leading customers with solutions based on expected behaviors instead of having
to catch up to customer demands.”

Glaeser says that the German
customer response to the pilot was exceptional. “The first pilot store received
a significant number of calls from customers in a day asking when these new
services would be available in their nearby stores,” he said.

Markus Hoischen, the cross-channel
executive lead and associate partner of dgroup, the consultancy developing
E-Plus Gruppe’s digital transformation strategy, explained, “The flexibility of
the OneView Commerce Solution, and its integration with their strategic partner
hybris Software, enabled delivery of our foundational use cases, ‘buy online
ship to store’ and ‘order at point of sale’. Once OneView was selected as our engagement partner, dgroup and
OneView were able to launch the cross-channel pilot in six weeks, instead of
the usual 9-12 months. OneView Commerce’s mobile development framework combined
with the hybris commerce platform allows us to continually assess and measure
business results and then tailor and deploy the additional project phases based
on key business drivers. OneView and hybris deliver the customer engagement platform that is
key to intelligently removing the technical and process-based silos that exist
today between online and in-store presence and drives the single view of
customers, products, pricing, and promotions that effectively delivers one
consistent experience for customers across all channels.”


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