Games Workshop in ‘great shape’

Games Workshop in ‘great shape’

Games Workshop has posted its half year sales and profits. For the six months to 2nd December, revenue grew to £125.2 million from £109.6 million in the previous year, with pre-tax profit rising to £40.8 million.

Kevin Rountree, CEO Games Workshop, said: “Our business and the Warhammer Hobby continue to be in great shape. We have remained true to our long-term strategy, and once again delivered on our promise to produce and sell the best fantasy miniatures in the world, while engaging and inspiring our fans. Exciting times.”

Games Workshop’s retail channel which operates 507 stores achieved growth in all territories except Australia and New Zealand. During the period it implemented stronger online marketing activity and said that online marketing remained one of its great strengths. It had increased site traffic by 30 per cent to reach close on a million every week to its site.


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