Hands up: who’s putting a freeze on staff recruitment?

Hands up: who’s putting a freeze on staff recruitment?

Nice work, if you can get it. Even with many employers in desperate need of new hires, quite a number are putting a hold on making any job offers until the new government’s Autumn budget is revealed. Fears are that the employer contribution to National Insurance is likely to be hiked and that the recently aired expansion of employee rights could create major problems going forward.

Clearly the trade unions hold great sway over the new government and will be applying pressure to get what they perceive to be a fair deal for employees. However, many small businesses are already under the cosh and may well determine that they will soldier on without extra staff, given that they are likely to face demands for higher national insurance contributions for those they already employ.

Add to this the mooted increase in fuel duty, which will present a major cost to all businesses as it is passed down from their suppliers, and it is easy to understand why many are playing the waiting game.


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