Hotel Chocolat acheives sweet pre-tax profit

Hotel Chocolat acheives sweet pre-tax profit

As previously reported Hotel Chocolat achieved strong revenues for the year to 26th June with an increase in digital sales of 20 per cent. During the year the British chocolate specialist opened seven new stores and increased manufacturing capacity to meet demand. Its pre-tax profit before exceptionals was up by 181 per cent to £8.2 million.

Angus Thirlwell, CEO commented “I am very pleased with our performance since were admitted to trading on AIM in may this year. Our results are strong, the Hotel Chocolat brand has continued to strengthen and we have made good progress with our three strategic priorities of investing further in our British chocolate manufacturing  operations, growing our store estate and developing our digital offering.”

The business will launch a new website early in 2017 and is looking forward to a bumper peak season.


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