ProCook rescued from administration

ProCook rescued from administration

On 23rd July, Richard Hill and Joff Pope of KPMG Restructuring confirmed that the business and assets of kitchen equipment and cookware retailer ProCook, which went into administration at the beginning of the month, have been sold as a going concern. Founded in 1993 as the Professional Cookware Company, ProCook operates a multichannel business including stores, a catalogue and a transactional website. Its aggressive store expansion plans were blamed for the company’s recent troubles.

The acquiring company, Ensco688 Ltd, which paid an undisclosed sum, is reported to be an acquisition vehicle made up of ProCook’s management team and a consortium of major shareholders in the business. As Catalogue e-business went to press it was believed that all 260 jobs were saved, as well as ProCook’s 39 stores.


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