Sportsman Gun Centre increases market share with DJ Litt’s

Sportsman Gun Centre has bought country-pursuits business DJ
Litt’s from the administrators for an undisclosed sum. Litt’s
collapsed with debts rumoured to be in the region of £50
million. It operated an import and export business; a mail order
arm; a store in Newport, Wales; a gunroom at the Royal Berkshire
Shooting School; and the Treetops shooting ground in South Wales.

In August, three months after going into liquidation, Litt’s
became operational again under its new name, Litt’s at the
Sportsman. Ten jobs were saved, and the Sportsman Gun Centre
anticipates recruiting more staff.

Ben Amos, Sportman’s marketing manager, told Catalogue/e-business
that the company will now focus more heavily on mail order,
capitalising on the customers gained through Litt’s
“extensive” direct business.

The acquisition is said to give Sportsman a 70 per cent share of
the UK firearms and accessories market. In a statement, Sportsman
co-owner Gary Lamburn said, “We’re currently turning over
£12 million, and with the combined operation we’re expecting
to achieve between £20 million and £25 million in the
first year.”


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