Tuffnells brand, IP acquired

Tuffnells brand, IP acquired

Shift has acquired the Tuffnell’s brand and intellectual property assets from administrators at Interpath Advisory. The acquiring business which was founded by Jacob Corlett in 2017 is also understood to be interested in acquiring some of the leases to Tuffnell’s delivery depots but there is no further detail on the extent of this, or on the future for the 2000 former employees of Tuffnell’s.

Jacob Corlett commented: “Tuffnells is one of the UK’s most recognisable logistics companies, which provides delivery services to over 4,000 businesses across the UK and this acquisition will significantly increase our logistics coverage across the country.

“This acquisition supports our vision for Sheft’s tech-driven logistics platform to disrupt both consumer and business logistics, through cutting-edge AI driven routing decisions and driver management efficiency.

“We are also currently in dialogue with relevant parties to enable us to reopen some depots and provide re-employment opportunities.”



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