JD Williams improves online customer experience

JD Williams improves online customer experience

JD Williams has deployed Radware’s fastview® to cut page
loading times for its customers by 25 per cent.

With six million customers, JD Williams operates 28 brand
websites over desktop, tablet and mobile devices. Although it has very
productive websites, it recognised growing challenges from new tablet/smartphone
devices and the need to deliver a richer multi-channel experience for its
customers. “Engagement and conversion rates are affected by the speed in which
a website responds to the customer. As content gets more complex the technical
challenge increases and website performance degrades. If we can’t serve up a
page quickly enough our chance to convert a browser to a buyer diminishes
rapidly,” said Neil McGowan, IT Director for JD Williams. “With web page load
times increasing to around 5 seconds we were interested in finding a solution
to address this problem.”

JD Williams also investigated mobile acceleration as the
volume of visitors using mobile devices/tablets to access websites is now
approximately 40 per cent. As part of this work the company identified a major
improvement which could be made by deploying front end optimisation (FEO). The
business selected Radware based upon its knowledge.


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