Hayes Garden World adds ‘Grow Your Own’ essentials to its online range

Hayes Garden World adds ‘Grow Your Own’ essentials to its online range

Hayes Garden World is helping people to ‘have a go’ at growing their own vegetables during lockdown by selling seeds, bulbs, and plants online.

Traditionally Hayes Garden World has only ever sold garden and home furniture online. However, with its flagship store in Ambleside still closed to shopper (until 11 March), it decided to make it easier for its customers to get their usual ‘Grow Your Own’ essentials.

The new online range, which so far includes onions, potatoes and other vegetables, is said to be aimed at everyone from seasoned experts to landscaping newcomers.

The move reflects a growing trend, which has seen more Brits turn to gardening and making the most of their outdoor space during the pandemic.

There are many benefits to growing your own. The retailer is a huge advocate for home-grown veg and says it will testify to it being ‘much more flavoursome than supermarket fare’. Being able to pick and cook your own produce also helps keep many nutrients and minerals that are typically lost when it’s transported.

Commenting on the trend, gardening expert, Angela Slater, said: “Recent years have seen a huge increase in ‘grow your own’ fruit and vegetables as customers are seeing the damage that is being done to the planet by flying in vegetables from half-way around the world. As a result, they are trying to grow their own veggies and realising that it is not difficult, and the taste is far superior to the produce you buy in the supermarket.”


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