Mountain Warehouse boosts US presence with acquisition

Mountain Warehouse boosts US presence with acquisition

Mountain Warehouse has acquired Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS) for US $8.8m. The acquisition, which includes seven profitable stores, the EMS brand, website, and other assets, will save around 100 jobs, which had been in jeopardy following EMS’ filing for Chaper 11 protection in June.

Mountain Warehouse intends to trade EMS, which has a strong reputation despite its difficulties, as a standalone brand and believes it has the potential to take it into other territories going forward.

CEO Mark Neale said: “We are convinced that there is a great business here, with a tremendous pedigree, and passionate people who can help us understand the market even better and create a bright future.”

Mountain Warehouse has traded successfully in its own right in the US for ten+ years, as well as in Australia, Germany and the Netherlands.


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