Breaking the Google cycle: cross-channel strategies for sustainable growth

Breaking the Google cycle: cross-channel strategies for sustainable growth

Nest Commerce has released a new report highlighting the limitations of over-reliance on Paid Search for eCommerce businesses and offering actionable strategies for sustainable growth.

The report looks at the challenges faced by businesses that have become too dependent on Paid Search. Featuring analysis, case studies and a series of interviews with ecommerce experts it provides new insights into effectively leveraging a combination of Paid Search and Paid Social for a truly effective eCommerce strategy.

Paid Search has driven growth for DTC and omnichannel retailers since the start of digital marketing by capturing purchase intent and delivering short-term returns. However, slower audience growth, increased costs, and privacy changes have impacted its effectiveness. For example, The average CPC on Google Ads was US$1.98 in 2020 – this has risen to US$2.53 in 2024. These limitations can hinder businesses’ ability to achieve sustainable growth and maximise ROI.

The report concludes that Brands must adopt a sustainable growth approach, using a cross-channel strategy with Paid Social to mitigate higher costs – and make Paid Search efficient again.

“The road to sustainable growth is fraught with challenges, but those that rethink their marketing mix and invest in building a robust marketing ecosystem will be rewarded with an agile, resilient framework,” said Luke Jonas, chief growth officer at Nest Commerce. “By breaking free from the Google cycle and embracing a cross-channel approach, businesses can unlock new opportunities and achieve long-term success.”


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