First quarter uplift at Dunelm

First quarter uplift at Dunelm

Homewares specialist Dunelm increased its like for like sales by 4.2 per cent in its first quarter. Like for like online sales saw the best performance with an increase of 33.3 per cent, whereas like for like stores sales managed just 1.3 per cent growth. The retailer commented that its customers are increasingly using multiple channels to make their purchases, including making use of in-store tablets provided. During the quarter the business opened one new store which was a relocation and had also invested in a new marketing campaign using TV, radio and social media platforms.

Nick Wilkinson, CEO said: “We delivered a good trading performance in the first quarter. Our positive like-for-like growth highlights the strength of our customer offer which we are continually working hard to improve as e focus on our core business again under one brand, with one platform and one supply chain.”


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