Four trends for future of High Street

Four trends for future of High Street

1. Shopping local 

3 in 5 Brits have made more use of local stores in their area to help them through the coronavirus lockdown. The same study found the same proportion said they will be more likely to spend at shops offering locally-produced goods, compared to before the pandemic hit.

2. Click and collect (with physical changing rooms).

Online ‘fitting rooms’ are increasing in popularity, one emerging trend is the introduction of physical fitting rooms at ‘click and collect’ points. Customers can quickly try on clothes and return them easily if they are not quite right. This approach has the added benefit for retailers of getting stock returned quickly and in great condition, ready to be put back on sale at full price.

3. Al Fresco Dining 

1 in 3 Brits say they’ll spend more on eating out than they did before lockdown. Research from mid-June also found that punters will be much keener to use pub gardens than to eat and drink inside these facilities.
With more people excited about experiencing hospitality outdoors, it looks like Al Fresco dining could be the way forward in a post-COVID world.

4. Zero Waste & Sustainable Shopping

24 per cent of consumers surveyed said that they will pay more for ethical products. A separate study found that 64 per cent of its 3,000 respondents (across 15 countries including the UK) were focusing more on limiting food waste and would continue to do so after the pandemic is over.


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