JICMAIL announces the first ever winners of the JICMAIL Platinum Awards

JICMAIL announces the first ever winners of the JICMAIL Platinum Awards

JICMAIL, the joint industry currency for mail, has announced the winners of its inaugural Platinum Awards, which have been given to 10 companies for their outstanding expertise and practice in planning, measuring and evaluating mail campaigns with JICMAIL data.

Platinum Organisational Accreditation is the highest accolade given by JICMAIL and has been awarded to businesses who have demonstrated a level of proficiency with JICMAIL beyond its basic application which includes evidence of JICMAIL data being embedded into the subscriber’s L&D programs, routinely applied across the planning, sales and data ecosystems, and together with case study evidence that JICMAIL is being systematically used to retain or grow business.

It is an award for exceptional practice for this not for profit, joint-industry-owned planning currency which, following the introduction of the JICMAIL Levy in the spring, now has over 120 accredited subscribers.

The winners span the interests of the industry.

  • Citipost Mail
  • Edit
  • Marketreach
  • PSE Offline Marketing
  • The Dragonfly Agency
  • The Kite Factory
  • The Letterbox Consultancy
  • The Lettershop Group
  • Webmart Limited
  • Whistl Doordrop Media

The JICMAIL judging panel were particularly impressed by the quality of work on show from the winners.

Ian Gibbs, Director and Data Leadership and Learning at JICMAIL commented;

“Today represents a real milestone for JICMAIL and cements our position as a fully-fledged independent mail planning and measurement tool embedded into all corners of the mail ecosystem – a journey that we have made in the space of just four years. It has been heartening to see some of our most engaged users embrace the platinum challenge – a challenge that we hope our other hundred plus subscribers are themselves keen to embark on over the coming years!”

Mark Cross, Engagement Director at JICMAIL added “Judging these Platinum Awards has been a joy for us at JICMAIL and collectively they serve as a great demonstration of how this fundamental industry research and data is now driving value for users.  Our training is designed to empower users to confidently apply the data across their working routines and when this happens, as shown by the evidence within these awards, great things happen!”

Four DCA member companies were amongst the winners:

Mark Davies, Managing Director of Whistl (Doordrop Media) Ltd commented “Whistl is simply over the moon to be awarded Platinum status by JICMAIL, an affirmation of the way the team has embedded it into our business. More and more of our conversations are starting with the insights delivered by JICMAIL, particularly with the heightened engagement in consumer behaviour witnessed over the last two years and we quite frankly couldn’t be without it nowadays.”

Phil Ricketts, Wholesale Commercial Director, Royal Mail Marketreach said “The foundations of Marketreach are deeply rooted in promoting the magic of mail and we are delighted to have been awarded Platinum Accreditation in JICMAIL’s inaugural awards. We are very proud to have been involved in the journey with JICMAIL to bring leading and impartial insights to the marketing industry, helping to enable better communication planning and to support brands realise greater benefits from using mail.”

Lesley Yeomans, Deputy Managing Director, Citipost Mail said “We are absolutely delighted to achieve JICMAIL Platinum status. I am proud that our client-facing teams have adopted the Discovery tool so quickly and have used it to benefit so many clients already. JICMAIL has become an intrinsic element of our specialist client service and supports our vision to become the recognised custodian of direct mail letters in the UK.”

Alistair Ezzy, Managing Director, The Lettershop Group said “Lettershop are delighted to have achieved JICMAIL Platinum Partner status. JICMAIL is fundamental to the success of mail and door drops and allows the results to be compared on a like for like basis with other media channels. The new discovery tools allow competitor comparisons and insights into how campaigns are likely to perform. JICMAIL allows the team at Lettershop to work smarter with clients and help them improve the performance of their campaigns by recommending content, targeting and format advice all based on historical data.”


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