The Big Issue Foundation chooses PowaTag to take instant donations

The Big Issue Foundation chooses PowaTag to take instant donations

is not a divine judgement on the feckless – homelessness is just another human
circumstance that anyone could fall into or might escape.” André Rostant, Big
Issue Vendor

Big Issue Foundation works tirelessly to help some of the most socially and
financially excluded people in society, and this year it has launched a new way
to donate by teaming up with PowaTag. The innovative app, created by Powa
Technologies, gives people the chance to donate instantly using their
smartphone during the charity’s fundraising drive.

charity’s appeal is focused on the crucial work of its Service Brokers, who
work innovatively with Big Issue Vendors to help them move forward, regain
their independence and ultimately to rebuild their lives. They act as a safety
net for those adults who have slipped through the system, catching them before
they hit rock bottom. Service Brokers provide the information, advice and
guidance needed to support effective referrals to specialist services and

will be able to make a difference by simply scanning a PowaTag code in the Big
Issue Magazine, on its website, through Direct Mail or email with the free app,
which is available from the iTunes and Google Play stores. It enables users to
complete transactions in moments with their digital devices using pre-entered

number of people sleeping rough in the UK has risen each year since 2010,
reaching 2,744 last year. Continued austerity and cuts
to services for vulnerable people mean that The Big Issue Foundation is
expecting even more people to walk through its doors over the next 12 months,
and people’s generous donations can help ensure that these doors are always

Wagner, CEO and Founder of Powa Technologies, said: “Thousands of people are
homeless in the UK and the charity does an amazing job helping vulnerable
people off the streets.

PowaTag technology has huge potential to help people support the vital work of
charities like the Big Issue Foundation. The technology has already
demonstrated its ability to make a difference by helping Christian Aid to
launch the world’s first interactive TV campaign earlier in May – raising
thousands of pounds in the process.

per cent of adults in the UK now own a smartphone and PowaTag gives charities a new and innovative way
to connect to these millions of people. Many people often feel an urge to
donate when they see a heart-warming advert and PowaTag gives potential donors
a quick and easy solution to act on this impulse. Facilitating this impulse to
donate, and providing the freedom to give as much as you like, can be the
difference between acquiring a new donor and not.”


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