Beads Direct acquires Beader’s Compansion

Beads Direct acquires Beader’s Compansion

Craft supplies specialist Beads Direct has completed its acquisition of the Beader’s Companion division of the Crafter’s Companion and has welcomed Sarah Millsop from Beader’s Companion to its team.

For the last four years, Sarah has appeared with regular slots on Create & Craft TV and headed the beading division at Crafter’s Companion. Sarah will continue to demonstrate and guest present shows on a weekly basis, building Beads Direct’s UK TV shopping presence.

With ten successful years as an online retailer, the business continues its expansion into new markets reaching new customers on a weekly basis. With over 6,500 products stocked and a constant flow of newly sourced lines adding to the range, Beads Direct aims to capitalise on the opportunities presented by TV shopping by providing inspiration, education and support to existing and new crafters. In addition,  enthusiasts can freely access its range of over 100 How To Videos and over 1,000 jewellery making projects via its website.


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